
UGHH's avatar


3 years ago


Feature Request
Stacking search filters

Two things: the first is along the same lines as the "all search feature" suggestion below: Allow for stacking filters, at least for certs and paints. So as an example, if you wanted either black or tw painted zomba wheels and wanted to see more than just one certification for the item, but not all, it would vastly streamline the entire process. As an example,  just the other day I was trying to get a few missing item types to fill out both my black and tw car designs and wanted them to have any one of striker, sweeper, tactician, victor, paragon, or scorer certifications but didnt want any repeated certs for either color. The only way I could search for that was to open several new tabs for each item: one in both colors, and in each missing certification for both colors. As I'm sure you can imagine, that can turn into a bunch of tabs very quickly. With the option to filter more than one paint color and certification type, combined with the "all search feature" suggested the other  day by jbiel20, which was to enable filtering by item category, trading would become much less of a headache while also making it easier to compare  all of the items you're looking for on the same tab.

The second suggestion, would be to allow us to copy and paste any of the item fields in "Add New Trade." Namely, if the asking price is the same for most or all of the items in your post, there should be an easier way to copy an edited tile to any of the other field without just having to edit the credit cost for each square individually.  This may even be a feature already because I find it hard to believe that no one else would have thought of it first but I can't figure out how and I don't see any sort of basic tutorial on creating new trade offers, etc


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Diamond III · Division I
3 years ago
Search all colors but white or black would be useful

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