
Verrzinho's avatar


13 days ago


Item shop items only in designs

As a lot of people are experiencing hopefully as I don’t want to be the only one experiencing something and have no one know anything.

When you go to make a design, you can only use a octane and fennec despite no octane in the shop but everything else is only items in the item shop. I want to make a s13 plat design but I can’t because of the bug that is happening right now.

Bug status

In Review
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Diamond I · Division II
Alpha Player
13 days ago
All items should be back, sorry there was a faulty server update that was installed automatically that broke a lot of things. Everything should be fixed now :)


Silver III · Division II
Y2K Ready
12 days ago
Thank you for your continued efforts.


Diamond I · Division II
Alpha Player
13 days ago
I'm aware of the issue and I'm working on a solution :)


Aspiring Influencer
13 days ago
Same for me, also in the item section 👍


Diamond I · Division I
Legendary Nemesis
12 days ago
Interesting, I had a similar glitch, but I could only use items that were in a previous design I clicked on.

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