
Goldplayer11yrs' avatar


4 days ago


Silver-Gold Get together!!!!

Hey I am a gold1/2 and I see there is not many people out there that are silver or gold so I was wondering if anyone who is Silver 3-gold would all want to get together on a day and play private matchs together or maybe some online freeplay . The only requirements are that you are Silver 3 through Gold 3 and that you can play RL. If you do then tell me here and private message me what rank you are and what time you can play.

NOTE: I CAN NOT RESPOND OR COMMENT(for more details please check out my other disscussion)

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Platinum I · Division I
S14 Tournament Winner
4 days ago
yoo i’m gold 2 in 1s lmao consider me a grand plat tho cuz i’m plat 1 in 2s

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